‘Hamster Kombat’ Players. Massage guns, intended to increase one’s screen-tapping abilities in the popular Telegram crypto game Hamster Kombat, have been selling like hotcakes. Vedomosti, a prominent Russian news outlet, reported that in June alone, sales of percussion massagers at online shop Wildberries increased by an astounding 179%. In a similar vein, sales of these devices on competitor site Ozon increased by a significant 33% year-over-year in June and early July.
Hamster Kombat Players Want More Money
As a result of players’ desires to maximize their in-game coin profits, the demand for massage guns has skyrocketed among Hamster Kombat players. The rapid pulsations of the massage guns allow gamers to tap the screen faster than they could manually.
Even though this tactic is similar to a tap-to-earn exploit, it is not dishonest. Surprisingly, merchants, or more specifically, resellers on these platforms, have taken notice of this emerging pattern. For the time being, RELAXA has decided to take advantage of the trend by imprinting the emblems of the well-known anime series Hamster Kombat onto the visuals of their massage guns, which are available on Wildberries.
The popularity of Hamster Kombat has skyrocketed in the past few weeks, and it’s not just among cryptocurrency market participants. In less than three months, the game has drawn an incredible 239 million players, according to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. The game’s real-world effects go beyond just the increase in sales of massage guns.
A senior Iranian official recently blasted Hamster Kombat, saying it was part of a “soft war” the West was trying to arrange, bringing the game into the spotlight. The official voiced worry that the game would discourage people from voting in the upcoming presidential election. This past few months, millions of players have been engrossed in a growing collection of tap-to-earn games on Telegram, among which Hamster Kombat is a part.
The developers of Hamster Kombat intend to release their own token on The Open Network (TON) later this month, continuing a trend initiated by the launch of Notcoin (NOT). Amidst the Hamster Kombat mania this month, it is worth mentioning that the TON blockchain on Telegram has regularly surpassed Ethereum regarding daily active addresses.
Critical of Hamster kombat’s Social Pressure Tactics
The video game Hamster Kombat has been criticized for its excessively deceptive social components. According to industry analysts, the mechanics that stimulate player participation appear to have reached a plateau despite the game’s extraordinary popularity due to its viral marketing.
Throughout Hamster Kombat, new exchange upgrade cards that increase revenue are launched regularly. A considerable number of these cards are included in the “daily combo,” which is a collection of combinations that, when utilized, award players with a substantial amount of 5 million in-game coins.
Unfortunately, players will not be able to obtain many of these cards until they have successfully recruited their friends to sign up for the game using their referral link. Although it is a straightforward “number-go-up” game, players who are unable to recruit additional folks may be at a disadvantage until they are successful in finding additional participants.